July 15, 2021

Try these 5 easy exercises to train your brain to be more productive

Once you understand how neuroplasticity works, you’ll discover that the concept is much simpler than it sounds.

1. Feed your brain

Your brain makes up only a tiny proportion of your total body weight, but it uses up a quarter of everything you eat. If you want enhanced neural pathways, you’ll need an enhanced diet. According to Ramsden, that means grabbing snacks like walnuts, blueberries, and avocado during the day. Vitamin D and magnesium are top priorities if you want to promote neuroplasticity.

2. Take naps

Obviously, a good night’s sleep of between seven and nine hours will always set you up for a better brain day. But a short afternoon nap of around 20 minutes will elevate your neuroplasticity potential even further. A short nap encourages the growth of dendritic spines, which act as crucial connectors between the neurons in your brain.

3. Don’t let the workday linger

Like muscle-building, neuroplasticity needs downtime in order to do its work properly. According to Dr. Chinichian, managers should embed and enforce a "close the day" ritual that prioritizes reflection and gratitude for small wins. An end-of-day Slack message saying "Thanks for the great ideas in the brainstorming session today, everyone. See you tomorrow," can help the team feel valued. Putting a hard stop to the stresses of the day in a way that also boosts endorphins creates perfect conditions for neuroplasticity. Bonus: it also sends the signal that it’s OK to "leave" work and unplug for the evening.

4. Expand your vocabulary

Try to learn one new word every day. According to experts, this simple act will spark a multitude of new neural pathways, both visual and auditory. (Give it a few months and it’ll make you unstoppable at Scrabble too).

5. Do mnemonic drills

Teaching yourself mnemonic devices, like formulas or rhymes, can enhance connectivity in your prefrontal parietal network, paving the way to new, positive pathways in your brain. Get started here.

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