July 04, 2021

Startup World Cup Championship 2021 Winners

SIFE League

Startups in innovative free entrepreneurship

MINIBOSS SIFE (children and teenagers 6-17)

The 1st place winners – absolute champion 2021! 

The Startup "SMART WRITE" - Smart Write is developing an app specifically designed for pupils, students and their teachers for educational purposes. Smart Write vision is for the students to use it for all the purposes that a regular notebook has.

The Team: Kajus Kasparavicius.

The 2nd place winners

The Startup "HONEY PARADISE" - Provide the population with a high quality honey products produced in an ecological area.

The Team: Arslan Kamalitdinov.

The 3rd place winners

The Startup "TRAVELERS" - Scratch maps for travelers.

The Team: Kairolla Amir, Otemis Erasyl, Serikova Azhar, Adilkhan Kairat, Zhantulin Danial

The Startup "AZ IQ" - Board games creators, debuting with the game than promotes local culture with interesting questions and fun challenges.

The Team: Movsumova Emiliya, Jafarov Elgiz, Baghirova Malak, Asker Yashar.

The Startup "MUSIC QUESTS AND TRAVEL" - Organization of excursions to the places of life and work of famous musicians and composers

The Team: Demidov Nikita

BIGBOSS SIFE (youth 15+ & adults)

The 1st place winners – absolute champion 2021! 

The Startup "MIND MAP EDUCATION" - Educational programme.

The Team: Argunov Stanislav, Barannikova Maria.

The 2nd place winners

The Startup "WORK START" - Specialized courses from leading companies in the country and the world for schoolchildren and students.

The Team: Kyrylo Herei, Balaniuk Kateryna, Balaniuk Oleksandr.

The 3rd place winners

The Startup "IKIGAI BOOK" -Leadership Coach Book.

The Team: Igor Zapletnyk, Diana Migel.

SAGE League

Startups for the Advancement of a Global Environment

MINIBOSS SAGE (children and teenagers 6-17)

The 1st place winners – absolute champion 2021! 

The Startup "ANTI-POACHING BOOK" - A book on the impact of poaching.

The Team: Slobodianiuk Aleksandra, Kozmidi Michael, Maria Chebotayeva, Heorhii Hvozdykevych

The 2nd place winners

The Startup "NIGHT BOOK" - A book to help children fight fears.

The Team: Zhukova Olga, Atezheva Aleksandra

The 3rd place winners

The Startup "FAMILY TREE" - Creation of a website so that each family can plant their own family tree.
The Team: Mariam Muradian, Loban Vladyslav, Luponosov Illia, Pysanka Valeiia

The 3rd place winners

The Startup "BullNOT" - Interactive story-book about bullying.

The Team: Anna Parapan, Taisiia Neviadomska, Daria Vorontsova, Mariia Varchuk

BIGBOSS SAGE SENIOR LEAGUE (youth 15+ & adults)

The 1st place winners – absolute champion 2021! 

The Startup "URBAN GENE" - Microbiological profiling service for the composition of the urban environment.
The Team: Shubnikov Daniil, Skatov Timofey, Titov Artem

The 2nd place winners

The Startup: "FILM EMOTION" - We teach teenagers and help them understand their emotional outbursts.

The Team: Abgaryan Kateryna, Manteieva Mariia

The 3rd place winners

The Startup: EMOTION MAPS - Emotional intelligence education.

The Team: Oryshkova Sofia, Dorokhova Ksenia

The UN Gold Medals Winners

SDG 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere

«Young potters» - Ukraine

Formation and realization of sets for production of pottery at home.

The Team: Prodayevych Sergii, Pavlo Nikitenko, Stasiuk Maksym

SDG 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

«Cookies Spooky» - Ukraine

An original and unusual method of combating the fears/phobias of adolescents

The Team: Tymoshenko Kyryll, Yuliia Kaprava

SDG 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Pharmacy of Happiness - Ukraine

Different gastronomic sets aimed to increase specific hormones of happiness

The Team: Stefanovych Oleksandr, Karlov Mykyta, Kravchenko Mariia, Azarova Anastasiia

SDG 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Compi Jompi - Austria

Learn German with fun.

The Team: Makul Anna

SDG 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

SP (Supporting Period) - Ukraine

Education project about women's health for teenagers

The Team: Zinatullina Polina, Lazebnyk Yeva, Varvara Lakhno

SDG 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

«Malachite» - Ukraine

Development of TSA in the absence of home owners for a long time

The Team: Balan Semen, Maxim Danilov, Yana Palamarchuk

SDG7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


The Team: Stumbryte Sofija, Daugirdaite Barbora, Masiulyte Kamile

SDG 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

LASO - Ukraine

The Team: Furman Anastasiia, Rostyslav Roskrut

SDG 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

POWER CAMP - Ukraine

The Team: Parvan Nazar, Zlatin Oleksandr, Cherniavskyi Volodymyr, Kharchenko Mykhailo, Azarova Anastasiia, Karlov Mykyta

SDG 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries

Fortune Hunters - Kz

Marathon for the elderly. Project "Second Wind"

The Team: Azamatuly Ali, Aitbai Kainazar, Dinderbay Aliya

SDG 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Happy Kids - Ru

The Team: Shuster Eva, Panina Sofya

SDG 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

«Choco Magic» - Az

The first sugar free chocolate brand in Azerbaijan

The Team: Farhadzade Nabat, Farkhadova Aylin, Movsumova Ameliya, Naghizada Naghi

SDG 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Dinoland – Ukraine

Creation of a charitable fundraiser for the repair of the roof of the Museum.

The Team: Mykyta Havrychenko, Alexander Shapovalov, Bohdan Kulchytskyi

SDG 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

«Exciting Ocean Adventure» - Bulgaria

The Team: Likyova Karina

SDG15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

«Tse Legko» – Ukraine

The Team: Katsynska Arina, Shpytkoska Elyzaveta, Sofiia Veselova-Smahina Denys Bohatyrov

SDG 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Board game "Milliards" - Ru

The Team: Argunov Vladimir, Shuster Uliana, Avelicheva Alexandra

SDG 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

«MiniBoss Writers» - Ukraine

The Team: Slobodchukov Arkhyp, Mykhailo Pieskov, Anna Smirnova, Ivan Illichov

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