July 26, 2019

2019 Startup World Cup Championship (video)

In Bulgaria hundreds of children and teenagers present their innovations.

Startup World Cup Championship – is an annual event for which students of MiniBoss and BigBoss Business Schools have been preparing for a long time.

They create teams, generate ideas, project startups, take part in National Championships, and now they are presenting their finals works: SIFE – business projects and SAGE – social.

There is an Open Ligue – for the guests of the Championship. After a week of intensive workshop in project management, they can try their forces and present startup ideas.

Everything begins with the Country Day where all the participants make acquaintance and present their teams.

It’s a holiday of friendship and new ideas!

On the Cultural Fair there are a lot of things to do: to try delicious treats from the Moldavian team, to exchange souvenirs with guys from Kazakhstan and Lithuania, to dance with Bulgarian team or sing with the Ukrainians.

After this the Country Parade starts — a vivid show where everybody shares his cultural richness with others.

The competition itself has two rounds: qualifying and final. And for each round it’s great experience for children.

Despite their young age there is a huge responsibility in front of them – to present their country and tell about their startup so that the jury appreciate the innovation of the idea and the results of the project.

The concurrence is tight, the jury must choose among 100 of projects the best ones.

Finalists and winners of the Startup World Cup Championship 2019.


3 place – the best business project of the year — team "Open up!" They have designed a smashbook to develop creative abilities.

2 place goes to the team "Mendeleev’s friends". Young people have created a board game to study Mendeleev’s Periodic Table.

1 place in business category goes to the girls who have created a magazine and coach-book for teenagers "Teenager".


3 place - "Hear with heart". Students have created a silent quest to teach people the sign language

2 place - "Link between generations", created to help aged people.

1 place - "One Click Help". Teens have created a button of emergency call for patients in hospitals.

Besides main awards, 7 teams got People’s Choice Awards.
  • Spirits of cave, Russia 
  • Organic planting cups, Lithuania
  • EcoHandUp, Ukraine 
  • Happy English, Ukraine
  • Anika, Ukraine
  • Ice cream land, Lithuania 
  • Measuring rod, Lithuania (Open league)

5 teams got United Nations Gold Medals for the innovation of their ideas and finding resolutions for global problems.
  • Good health & Well-being - Travel & Play, Ukraine.
  • Clean water and sanitation - It’s Just Help, Ukraine. 
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure - Soft Puzzles,Ukraine. 
  • Life on land - Organic plantings cups, Lithuania, Well-being - Eco hand up, Ukraine
  • Partnerships for the Goals - Art-kids, Ukraine.
In 2020 Startup World Cup Championship will take place in Great Britain!