What do we know about the most elite university in the world?
How to get into it?
And in what connection do we talk about children's business education?
Harvard University, located in the US state of Massachusetts, took the first line years ago.
On average, the cost of paid tuition for the year is kept around $ 40,000. In addition, the student will have to pay about $ 8,000 for a hostel, $ 2,000 for insurance, $ 5,000 for transportation, plus more than $ 5,000 per year for personal expenses, including meals.
However, contrary to the prevailing opinion about rich students, only 30% pay tuition on their own, the remaining 70% receive material support from the university, covering the cost of tuition, and sometimes housing. The university has a huge number of available scholarships. By the way, to get a grant for financial assistance, you need “only” to enter university and present a document confirming that the parents' annual income is less than $ 65,000 per year. In addition, the university finds a part-time job for a “poor” student on the campus territory.
There are also exceptional programs that fully cover all expenses, including airfare, insurance, food, and personal expenses. The university can also provide a loan. By the way, Barack Obama paid the full amount of the loan given to study at Harvard, just before he was elected president of the United States.
However, given the apparent financial availability, it is worth remembering that, first of all, you need to convince the university that its financial care will be justified, and a successful specialist who will be able to glorify the name of Harvard will grow out of a raw entrant. Perhaps this is the most important and difficult task.
Now about the main thing. Why do people enter this university?
Harvard, one of the oldest universities in the United States, was founded in 1636 and is now considered one of the most elite and expensive educational institutions in the world.
42% of surveyed students enrolled at Harvard admit that prestige and reputation played an initial role in choosing an institution.
Eight US presidents were trained at Harvard, including John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and more than a hundred Nobel laureates. The founder of the Facebook social network, Mark Zuckerberg and the richest man on the planet, Bill Gates, were also associated with the name of the university. Actor Matt Damon and Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman are also Harvard graduates.
Any entrant or student interested in international education, associates Harvard with inaccessibility to the common man.
And of course, from this we can conclude that Harvard is followed by connections, status and knowledge of how to manage enterprises in the global world.
Why are we talking about this?
Parents often ask me why studying in our business schools MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL and BIGBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL is “not for everyone”? After all, it is more logical to create a product that will be in demand by millions and will be available to everyone! For example, how do all sorts of financial literacy courses, the cost of training in which - 3 cents per course.
I will answer simply and unambiguously. “Not for everyone” - this expression implies that NOT EVERY parent is ready to realize that investing in a successful, sociable and comprehensively developed person who is able to generate ideas and bring them to life does not begin with a music school, singing class or a gym (read - speed reading, speed counting, dancing, drawing, language, etc.). These are certainly interesting and useful skills, but OUR GOAL - the ability of a young person to materialize and “monetize” his talent will be available only to units who at the same time learn to be bold and selfless, insightful and purposeful.
In other words, we teach from 6 years old everything that will shape character, diligence and readiness to work more than others and what will allow to be more effective than others. Moreover, we teach parents to keep up with the times and TOGETHER with the CHILDREN.
You will ask, why it is about Harvard?
You see, everything is very simple. Being the best in your environment is the main criterion for selection to the best universities in the world. They do not need mediocrity. They need talents!!!
Our children are talented in the field, which even at Harvard, few people thought. They are talented in business management and in the generation of ideas!!!
You probably know that according to statistics, the skill to which you and your children will devote 10,000 hours will become the most developed skill in their lives. If your child will be engaged in 10 000 hours of music - he will become an excellent musician. If sports - a great athlete. If drawing - a wonderful artist...
Have you already decided on what you want to spend 10 000 hours of your child?
After all, it is you who determine his fate now and direct him to the direction where he will be in 20-30 years. I am sure that you have no clear plans, like most parents in the world. Your answer is approximately as follows: He will grow up and decide for himself who he will want to become and where he will go to study.
Right, exactly? Well then, congratulations! You are the same parent who, in most cases, by the age of 14 will receive an inert, sullen, reticent and unwilling child who was tortured in school by endless reproaches and misunderstandings. Moreover, by this time the gap between you and him will begin to form. Congratulations, the personality has already been formed and neither high school nor even the best university in the world can influence on it! Which, by the way, will not really wait for a not very successful student.
Congratulations on another general thesis: “Unsuccessful are also people!”
Who would doubt that. But it is almost a crime to reward your only child with this rule of life. And if you have more children in your family, then multiply your “crime” by the same amount.
What will your child spend 10,000 hours on in our business schools?
Eight years in MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL and 5 years in BIGBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL, participation in dozens of Forums, in national and international programs for children and young people, creation of live businesses in the business incubator of the European Business Development Bureau, in Business festivals, in summer Business - camps, in hundreds of master classes and trainings, WILL LEAD YOUR CHILD to a long-awaited result - RECOGNITION OF HIS UNIQUENESS, TALENT of the MANAGER and CREATOR.
And then, he will have something to write about in his essay to the best universities in the world. Of course, he will be able to proudly declare why it is HIM - a participant in the 32 Youth Entrepreneurship and Business Genius Championships, for example, you need to take to Harvard and be given the opportunity to get into the elite of the world!
Think, dear parents, about what path YOU CHOOSE FOR YOUR CHILD and what for exactly he will thank YOU in his 30, 40, 50, ... years !!!
Andrii Azarov, MiniBoss & BigBoss Business School, founder