To be one team. To be one family. It's real! Students and their parents are located in the international MiniBoss Camp in Bulgaria. Is wonderful place and awesome games!
Adults and children learn to be one team.

This is a useful exercise! It helps to feel the needs of each participant. To be able to listen and hear is a rare quality. And this is a great job!

Adults learn to understand children and take their strategies in solving problems. What's hard .. And fun!

After the games for teambuilding, the participants went on an exciting trip.
MiniBoss Camp takes place in a picturesque region Razlog, Bulgaria. Nature is the greatest asset. North of the town is the kingdom of the Rila National Park. Pirin rises to the south — the mountain that Slavs called "Mountain of Gods" (Perun). The Pirin National Park is included in the convention for the Preservation of World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites.

Students, parents, teachers from 5 countries came to the MiniBoss Camp in Bulgaria. Franchisees also undergo training on a special MiniBoss franchise course.
In Bulgaria, the participants will build the "Civilization".

The last camp was held in Greece and was called Olympic. Where the participants built a large team.