October 27, 2021

Family DNA: How to Start Raising Your Kids to Be Successful

Being a parent is hard enough but what happens when our child challenges us with their behavior? How we respond makes a difference in breaking generational parenting patterns.

The quote, "Be The Parent You Needed When You Were Younger" is inspired by Ayesha Siddiqi who wrote "person" instead of parent. 

One example

In a fit of anger over losing his Switch game, my 10-year-old son threw his controller and smashed his iPad which happened to be the closest thing to him.

As looked at my son with tears streaming down his face (he obviously felt immediate remorse) it took every fiber of my being to not scream these thoughts to him.

I knew if I screamed and yelled at him, nothing would be accomplished.

I also knew I wanted to be the parent I needed when I was younger. Someone who didn’t just focus on the aggression, but offered unconditional love with firm parenting.

How to manage emotions in communication with children

"Family gives everything! Strength or weakness. Wings or complexes. Wealth or poverty. Happiness or destruction", - tells the author of the Family DNA program Olga Azarova.

The Family DNA Coach Program is a course, turning the lives of families for many generations ahead, removing problems and creating family unity and harmony, a common vision for the future.

"Responsible parenthood is the awareness that it depends on you today, what kind of family will your children, grandchildren have, what will be their survival rate, and actions taken in this regard. Love is from God, and upbringing is from science!"

At MiniBoss & BigBoss Business Schools, parents are an important part in the development of a child. Their participation is one of the principles of learning and achieving successful results.

Program details