October 10, 2020

4 Ways Entrepreneurs Think

The most successful entrepreneurs of the world aren’t the ones who impulsively quit their jobs to chase a get-rich-quick idea. They are the ones with an entrepreneurial mindset — a set of perspectives and values that allow them to achieve greatness. These 10 perspectives are differentiators you’ll need to have or develop if you’re going to be a successful business owner.

1. Competitors Are Research Subjects. Going along with the point above, entrepreneurs view competitors as research subjects. Rather than viewing competitors as a threat, like most people would, entrepreneurs see competitors as enriching opportunities to learn more about their industry and their target market. By looking at your competitors’ business models, you can learn what makes yours unique and embellish that uniqueness in your branding and marketing efforts. By looking at your competitors’ emphasis on customer experience, you can learn how to make yours better. Your competitors are doing you a favor — they’ve already gathered tons of valuable information. Entrepreneurs realize that it’s up to them to take advantage of it.

2. Challenges Are Opportunities. Setbacks, obstacles, and challenges are painfully common elements of entrepreneurship. Most people react to these hurdles with stress and pessimism, with an attitude that obstacles are negative experiences that only hinder progress. As an entrepreneur, you encounter so many challenges you simply can’t afford to react this way. Instead, successful entrepreneurs view challenges as opportunities. Each challenge or setback reveals a key opportunity to grow — either to improve upon an existing weakness or take measures to avoid experiencing a similar setback in the future.

3. Big Things Are Made from Small Components. This works for problems as well as solutions. For example, instead of seeing a content marketing campaign as a quick way to get traffic and new business, entrepreneurs see content marketing in terms of its individual components (blog writing, social media marketing, link building, etc.), each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Successful entrepreneurs can break down massive projects, problems, and campaigns into smaller, more manageable pieces.

4. Entrepreneurship Is a Lifestyle. Entrepreneurs wake up as entrepreneurs, go to work as entrepreneurs, come home as entrepreneurs, and go to bed as entrepreneurs. There is no 9 to 5. There is no “work life” and “home life.” The advantage of this is that you have total control over your business and your professional choices, including what you do for it. The (possible) disadvantage of this is that you carry your business with you everywhere you go. Entrepreneurship becomes your work and your life, and you need to be prepared for that if you’re going to survive the lifestyle.

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